Heart Math Tutoring is made possible through the support of donors and funding partners. Thank you!
Thank you for considering financial support!
Every donation counts! Gifts through June 2025 will support students in the 2025/26 school year. Heart Math Tutoring is a 501c3 nonprofit, and all donations qualify for federal income tax exemption. We appreciate your consideration of this opportunity to work together to ensure that all students have a strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics.
Donate by mail
Please make checks payable to “Heart Math Tutoring” and mail them to:
Heart Math Tutoring
PO Box 30623
Charlotte NC, 28230-0623
Donate stock
To make a gift of stock, please contact Heart first and then follow the instructions on this form.
Make a bequest
Please remember Heart Math Tutoring students in your will and trusts. To make a bequest, please follow the instructions on this form.
Additional Info
If there is a problem with the online donation form, please email mary.davies@heartmathtutoring.org
Interested in volunteering? Find out about volunteer opportunities here.
The tax identification number for Heart Math Tutoring is 46-4366030. View our Form 990 and Audited Financial Statements. Click here for our donor privacy policy.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an endorsement by the State.