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Heart Math Tutoring Releases 2022 Annual Report

October 5, 2022

Charlotte, N.C. – October 5, 2022

Heart Math Tutoring – a local nonprofit organization committed to helping students in Charlotte elementary schools develop a strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics – has released its 2022 Annual Report, highlighting student results, volunteer impact, and more from the 2021/22 school year.

In the 2021/22 school year, support from donors and volunteers provided 935 elementary students with free math support through Heart Math Tutoring (HMT). Heart Math Tutoring grew to serve 24 Charlotte elementary schools, recruiting 1,135 volunteer tutors who worked one-on-one with a student (or two!) each week. 97% of those students showed growth between their pre- and post-assessments, and 90% of teachers reported that they saw an increase in their HMT students’ confidence.

Read the full report here:

“Heart [Math] Tutoring was essential in helping my son get to where he needs to be to meet grade level expectations! I am just so thankful for this program!” – Parent of a 2021/22 Heart Math Tutoring Student at Endhaven Elementary School

Heart Math Tutoring

Heart Math Tutoring is a Charlotte-based nonprofit with a mission to ensure that all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success, by helping schools use volunteers as tutors. Community members commit one hour per week to deliver an effective, hands-on curriculum through one-on-one tutoring sessions during the school day in CMS elementary schools. Heart focuses its support on students who lack resources to access private tutoring. For more information, visit

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Mary Lauren Bishop – Heart Math Tutoring Director of Development and Community Engagement  



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