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Latest News HMT Charleston

2023 Annual Report


We are proud to share about the impact Heart's partners - students, families, tutors, donors, staff, and others - have made over the past year in the Heart Math Tutoring 2023 Annual Report! 20...

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Interested in tutoring with Heart Math Tutoring in Charleston? Here’s what you can expect from sign-up to start-up!


Thinking about becoming a tutor? Please do! Heart Math Tutoring is excited to serve 150 students in the 2023/24 school year with the help of 175 volunteers giving just one hour per week! To become ...

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Thank You Thursdays! Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month


Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month Heart Tutors! As we begin our final month of tutoring for the 2022/23 school year, we are excited to see over 1,200 volunteer tutors dedicating time each week to sup...

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