Google Fiber and Wells Fargo Provide School Sponsorship-level Grants to Heart Math Tutoring
05.16.2016We are excited to announce several new grant awards that will help Heart serve additional students in the 2016/17 school year! Through a $25,000 sponsorship from Google Fiber, Heart will be expandin...
Parents, Tutors And Students Celebrate End Of Year!
05.05.2016Through May 16, parents, tutors, and students will gather to celebrate students’ progress in Heart this year with food, fun and games. Students will show their parents math games to play at home, a...
Volunteer with Heart: Laura McGinley
04.22.2016Laura is a mother of two and has been a Heart tutor for three years. She heard about Heart Math Tutoring from the school staff in 2013. She has been a tutor ever since and currently works wit...