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Filling the International Skills Gap, Together


By Emily Elliott
Executive Director

A recent commentary in Education Week by Christopher T. Cross made the case for rigorous educational standards in the United States. Under the banner “Common Core,” we have seen rigorous standards face some degree of controversy, but few would argue against holding a high bar of excellence for United States citizens, especially paired with statistics showing the U.S. is slipping in international metrics.

Cross cites that the U.S. tied for last place of 22 nations in numeracy and ranked 20th … continue reading

William Otto Katt, Program Manager for Heart Math Tutoring

Heart Welcomes New Program Manager


Heart Math Tutoring welcomes William Otto Katt to the team as the organization’s first Program Manager.

Katt will oversee the day-to-day operations of Heart’s school sites through managing Program Coordinators, stewarding relationships with school administrations, and analyzing program quality and efficacy.

“Otto is a fantastic addition to the team. His love of learning will be felt by our volunteers and staff as we help students become enthusiastic learners themselves,” said Emily Elliott, executive director of Heart Math Tutoring. “Otto comes to Heart with experience both … continue reading

Heart Math Tutoring Results building blocks

Congratulations, Heart Students and Tutors! 96% Meet Growth Goals


By Emily Elliott, Executive Director
With school wrapping up and students away for the summer, we want to reflect on and celebrate what has been accomplished by Heart’s 236 students, with the help of their tutors, this year.

Students are enrolled in Heart based on the recommendation of their teachers. Typically, these students are one to two years below grade level in math and are missing foundational math concepts (counting, more vs. less, base-ten, place value).

These concepts form the building blocks of understanding how … continue reading

Thank You To Volunteers Who Completed 5 Years with Heart


Volunteer tutors give students enrolled in Heart Math Tutoring skills and encouragement critical to students’ success. This year, eight volunteers reached a milestone with five years of service: Mike Burnett, Andy Cooney, Minna Elliott, Martha Eubank, Reid Leggett, Margaret Marshall, Missy Miller and Lisa Warren. Each tutoring two students per year, these volunteers have made a difference in the lives of many. For five years, some of the most precious elementary students in Charlotte have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of these dedicated individuals to … continue reading

Math Tutoring At High-Poverty Charlotte Schools Gets Boost From Duke Energy


Heart is thrilled to share that we are expanding our programs in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, thanks to a $8,000 grant from Duke Energy Foundation.

“Math skills that students learn at a young age serve as a foundation block for their entire education career,” said Stick Williams, Duke Energy Foundation president. “Those skills advance other academic pursuits and help our young people meet and overcome new challenges as they prepare for the future.”

“Lack of math proficiency can become a barrier to a student’s academic confidence,” … continue reading

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