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Interested in tutoring with HMT in Charleston? Here’s what you can expect from sign-up to start-up!


Heart Math Tutoring is excited to serve 180 Charleston students in the 2024/25 school year with the help of nearly 200 volunteers giving just one hour per week!

To become a tutor, simply select your preferred tutoring time and location on the Charleston sign-up form, and we’ll pair you with students! Tutoring begins in early October. Looking for the sign up to startup process for another location? See our posts for Charlotte and Winston Salem!

We want you to know what to expect when … continue reading

Heart Math Tutoring and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools: Looking Back at Our First Year of Partnership


Last month, students, along with their families and tutors, gathered for the very first Heart Math Tutoring End-of-Year Celebration in Winston-Salem! The event was full of smiles and laughter as excited Bolton Elementary students received their participation certificates and played math games with their proud families and tutors. Principal Frazier expressed her gratitude to those in attendance, saying, “Thank you to tutors from Heart Math Tutoring, experiencing it through the eyes of children, it has been phenomenal. Thank you, families, for entrusting us and our … continue reading

2023 Annual Report


We are proud to share about the impact Heart’s partners – students, families, tutors, donors, staff, and others – have made over the past year in the Heart Math Tutoring 2023 Annual Report!

2023 marks Heart Math Tutoring’s 10th year as a nonprofit organization. We are are grateful for the community that has supported growth from two to 26 schools in Charlotte over the past ten years and led to partnerships in Charleston, SC and Winston-Salem, NC! We look to the next ten years … continue reading

Heart Volunteers are Excited to Begin Tutoring!


School is about to begin for Charlotte students, and that means we are on our way to another exciting year of math games, relationship building, and high fives with Heart students! We are grateful for our wonderful tutors who return year after year to partner with elementary students to work on foundational math skills and confidence each week. What keeps tutors coming back, and what are they most excited about as we get closer to our first week of tutoring? We reached out to a … continue reading

Interested in tutoring with HMT in Charlotte? Here’s what you can expect from sign up to startup!


Thinking about becoming a tutor? Please do! Heart Math Tutoring is excited to serve 1,300 students in the 2023/24 school year with the help of 1,500 volunteers giving just one hour per week!

To become a tutor, simply select your preferred tutoring time and location on the Charlotte sign-up form, and we’ll pair you with a student! Tutoring begins in early October. Looking for the sign up to startup process for another location? See our posts for Charleston and Winston-Salem!

We want you to … continue reading

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