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Category Archives: Volunteer Spotlight

2024 Volunteer Appreciation Month Spotlight Series


Volunteer Appreciation Month is an exciting opportunity for Heart Math Tutoring to show our gratitude for the 1,400+ volunteer tutors supporting just over 1,300 elementary students across the Carolinas! Heart tutors dedicate an hour of their time each week to ensure students in Charlotte, Charleston, and Winston-Salem are building necessary foundational math skills and the academic confidence they need for long-term success. Tutors have a lasting impact on their students’ education, and we’re excited to highlight a few of Heart’s incredible volunteers and community partners … continue reading

Tutors Share Why They Love to Volunteer with Heart


It’s Valentine’s Day, which means that love is in the air…love for tutoring that is! With more than 1,400 volunteer tutors across three cities, providing local elementary students with weekly individualized math instruction and mentorship, Heart team members see every day the passion volunteers have for supporting student growth. Heart is grateful for the dedication and impact of community volunteers, and we have asked a few volunteers to share what they love most about being a Heart tutor. Read their responses below:

Thank you Katie, … continue reading

Heart Volunteers are Excited to Begin Tutoring!


School is about to begin for Charlotte students, and that means we are on our way to another exciting year of math games, relationship building, and high fives with Heart students! We are grateful for our wonderful tutors who return year after year to partner with elementary students to work on foundational math skills and confidence each week. What keeps tutors coming back, and what are they most excited about as we get closer to our first week of tutoring? We reached out to a … continue reading

Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Reynolds


With the recent end of the 2022-23 school year, we want to celebrate another year of tutoring by highlighting one of the many Heart Tutors that play an essential role in supporting Charlotte students. This Volunteer Spotlight focuses on Sara Reynolds, who just finished her third year as a Heart Tutor. Sara discovered Heart Math Tutoring through her church, Carmel Baptist, during the peak of the pandemic, and given the isolation the pandemic produced, “I wanted to do something to connect with and serve others,” … continue reading

Thank You Thursdays! Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month


Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month Heart Tutors! As we begin our final month of tutoring for the 2022/23 school year, we are excited to see over 1,200 volunteer tutors dedicating time each week to support students. Tutors are the “heart” behind HMT’s mission of ensuring all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success.

This month we will be spotlighting just a few of our many amazing volunteers each week with a “Thank you Thursday” post. Be on … continue reading

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