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Category Archives: Heart News

WCCB Rising Features a Heart Math Tutor


5-year tutor Ashley Kaiser shares her experience with Heart Tutoring and how both volunteers and students benefit from the program. “To see the growth and excitement on students’ faces when they master a new concept is what keeps me coming back… the 30 minutes that you’re committing each week really makes a difference,” says Kaiser. View the full interview here.… continue reading

An Interview with a Volunteer: Adam Schauer


It didn’t take long for Adam Schauer to become a devoted member of the Heart Math Tutoring volunteer team. Heart Tutoring’s ability to “immediately impact” the Charlotte community is what first intrigued Adam, a Client Portfolio Manager at Barings, about serving with us years ago. We recently sat down with Adam to hear what makes being a Heart Tutoring volunteer special, in his own words.

“You don’t even think about math. You’re just interacting with them.”

Beyond instilling the life skills that come with … continue reading

‘What Is Heart Tutoring?’ Webinar


Learn more about our mission and model by watching our ‘What Is Heart Tutoring?’ Slides are available herecontinue reading

Upcoming Heart events!



Want to get more involved with Heart Tutoring? 

We have a series of events/gatherings where potential and existing tutors can connect. Upcoming events are listed below! Most of all, we hope you will join us in the schools by signing up here.



Upcoming Spring Events 

Interested in attending one of our events? Sign-up below! We hope to see you soon!

See details of events below!

Community Events

Tuesday, March 31st at 6:00 PM – Resilience Film Screening at Myers Park United Methodist … continue reading

Recruitment Season Tips

Are you a current tutor who is looking for ways to spread the word about the amazing experience you have had working with Heart Math Tutoring? GREAT! But, before you keep reading, make sure you are signed up for next year too! 

Now, let’s get down to recruiting business! Here at Heart Tutoring, we are always trying to expand our services to more schools and students, but we need your help. Check out the tips below and our Recruitment Kit for how you can spread … continue reading

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