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Category Archives: Math Matters

Must-See Video Shows Power Of Feedback, Expectations


Educators, tutors and parents: This precious six-minute video from the Center For Student Work is a must-see! “Austin’s Butterfly” demonstrates how our specific feedback and high expectations can help students do work they never imagined was possible.

This video was presented at SXSWedu in Austin last week by Ron Berger from Expeditionary Learning, and it was the centerpiece of HEART’s Monday team meeting this week. It inspires us to ask more of our students, who are working to build a thorough understanding of how … continue reading

Happy Pi Day! 3 Ways To Find π


For years, math fans around the world have celebrated Pi Day on March 14. You can find videos, songs and T-shirts to mark the occasion. Many also count it as a day to eat lots of pie.

Why is the number Pi, denoted by the Greek letter π and pronounced “pie,” worthy of so much praise?

Pi  is one of the most common constants in all of mathematics. It is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter or approximately 3.1415926. … continue reading

HEART Tutors and Paul Tough’s “Who Gets to Graduate?”

Paul Tough’s “Who Gets to Graduate?” makes me excited about HEART tutors’ role. – Emily Elliott

We tell our tutors, “Your job is 50% delivering the curriculum and 50% being a positive influence.”  Paul Tough’s description of self-doubts around ability and belonging as obstacles preventing low-income students from graduating from college has been great food-for-thought on how HEART tutors can help.  In addition to the high-fives and explicit messaging around hard work and growth, our tutors have the opportunity to share their own experiences in … continue reading

There’s One Key Difference Between Kids Who Excel at Math and Kids Who Don’t


There’s One Key Difference Between Kids Who Excel at Math and Kids Who Don’t (read article here). “I’m just not a math person” is a self-destructive fallacy.… continue reading

Importance of Passing Algebra

Research shows the importance of passing Algebra on the first take: Students failing algebra rarely recover. Fortunately, there are ways to begin preparing students to think algebraically in elementary school.… continue reading

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