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I’m Thankful For…


November is a month of thankfulness! Throughout the month we will be asking students what they are thankful for. Heart has much to be thankful for - volunteers who spend one hour per week with student...

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CycleGiving Success!


Thank you to CycleBar at Midtown for hosting a special CycleGiving spin class in October! The event was a huge success with approximately 25 spinners in attendance. All proceeds went to support Heart ...

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Charlotte Five

Heart Math Tutoring Featured in Charlotte Five


Heart Math Tutoring was featured in Charlotte Five as we work to find tutors for 600 Charlotte-Mecklenburg students. The article dispels five myths about tutoring, including "I have to be a math pro,"...

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volunteer drive

Heart Math Tutoring Celebrates Successful Volunteer Drive!


Many thanks to our volunteers and partner organizations throughout our community for your amazing support to make our volunteer drive a big success! To date we have secured tutors for 550 elementary s...

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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on Charlotte Today

Heart Math Tutoring Thanks Charlotte-Area Media


As part of our volunteer recruitment drive to secure volunteer tutors to serve 600 students during the 2016/17 school year, we have been busy spreading the word. We are very grateful to our Charlotte-...

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