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Family Night

Billingsville Family Night


Watch this third grader show what she knows at family night. She has learned the parts of 10, and she's ready to quiz her tutor! Combinations to 10 is the title of Heart’s third co...

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North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program


Heart Math Tutoring is proud to announce that we have received a $25,000 grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope program to expand the volunteer math tutoring ...

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Global Endowment Management

Global Endowment Management Sponsors Heart at Westerly Hills

        Heart Math Tutoring at Westerly Hills Academy was made possible by a generous $40,000 grant from Global Endowment Management (GEM Foundation) in December 2...

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Highland Renaissance Academy celebrates progress

Students, Parents Celebrate Progress And Holidays With Tutors


Through Dec. 18, parents, tutors, and students will gather to celebrate students’ progress in Heart with food and fun. Parents will learn math games to play at home, and students will receive goodie...

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Heart Math Tutoring volunteer with student

Building Early Math Skills Key To Later Academic Success


Too Small To Fail conducted a Q&A with Deborah J. Stipek, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education, on the importance of introducing children to math concepts early. Read that interview h...

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