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Students, Parents Celebrate Progress And Holidays With Tutors

December 8, 2015

Through Dec. 18, parents, tutors, and students will gather to celebrate students’ progress in Heart with food and fun. Parents will learn math games to play at home, and students will receive goodie bags that include a deck of cards and game directions. All will celebrate students’ accomplishments in Heart so far!

“It is inspiring to see at these events how much tutors and students enjoy each other’s company, and it’s special for parents to hear from the students about their positive academic accomplishments — especially since many Heart students struggle with math,” said Emily Elliott, Heart’s executive director. “The anticipation from students is contagious. Some of our returning students have been asking about the date and the menu for months!”

Check for updates for slideshows of each celebration with our eight Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools partners. The current slideshows (from top to bottom): Billingsville Leadership Academy, Piney Grove Elementary, Sedgefield Elementary, Pinewood Elementary, Montclaire Elementary, Winterfield Elementary, Highland Renaissance Academy and Westerly Hills Academy.

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