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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on Morning Break WBTV


Emily Elliott from Heart Math Tutoring met with Coach LaMonte from Morning Break WBTV News  to discuss how volunteers can help support our students in high-poverty communities. 

“We are looking for tutors to serve 850 students. Volunteers can come in with some targeted, scripted games that give hands on experience. They are working with cubes and cards but hands on experience with foundational numbers concepts can close gaps that get kids back on track for the rest of their careers in school,” says Elliott. 

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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on WBTV


Christine Sperow of WBTV interviewed Heart Math Tutoring’s Executive Director Emily Elliot  about how easy it is to be a volunteer with Heart and support our students. 

“Tutors just deliver the curriculum and encourage students. You do not have to be a math whiz. You  just have to show up and we give you everything you need to be successful,” says Elliott. “98% of the students served to date have met growth goals on assessment so it’s easy and effective.”


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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on WBTV


Emily Elliott from Heart Math Tutoring was on WBTV News to discuss Heart’s annual Volunteer Recruitment Drive.

“We are going to need about 1,000 volunteers this fall, growing from 750 last year. The tutors do a great job helping kids build skills and confidence,” says Elliott. “In Charlotte, 56% of economically disadvantaged students are not performing on grade level and that number grows as the course level gets more difficult. Algebra is a high school graduation requirement and to be able to access any post-secondary … continue reading

Tutor Recruitment Kickoff and Tools – Volunteers needed in the 2017/18 School Year!


Heart’s 2017 Volunteer Drive is officially underway! Students across 15 school partners need tutors in the 2017/18 school year, which means Heart will be working to recruit over 900 volunteers between now and mid-September.

**Please sign up to be a volunteer tutor today!**

If you have already secured your volunteer spot, we’d appreciate your help in recruiting volunteers with these quick and easy tips:

Help spread the word by using these tools to recruit friends, family members, and colleagues who you think would be … continue reading

Congratulations, Heart Students and Tutors! 98% Meet Growth Goals


As summer begins, we celebrate what was accomplished in the 2016/17 school year by hundreds of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) students who were part of Heart Math Tutoring, supported by their tutors and schools. The following are some highlights:

·         98% of 642 Heart Tutoring students met program growth goals in math, growing in two or more building block concept areas.

·         On average, students doubled the goal – growing in 4.9 concept areas. The goals were set with guidance from math specialists at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools … continue reading

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