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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on WBTV


Emily Elliott from Heart Math Tutoring and Jacqueline Myers from Apparo met with Chrisine Sperow to discuss the impact of Apparo’s 2017 Mission Possible Award.

“Apparo works with other nonprofits and empowers them with technology. We do that by bringing nonprofits in need, like Heart Math Tutoring, together with companies that have financial and skilled volunteer resources like Accenture. Heart Math Tutoring was the winner of our 2017 Mission Possible Award… it’s a milestone for Heart Math Tutoring to be the first of the Mission … continue reading


Heart Math Tutoring Featured on WCNC


Heart Math Tutoring’s Executive Director Emily Elliott met with WCNC’s Eugene Robinson and Colleen Odegaard to discuss Heart’s impact on students and the recent Mission Possible Award granted by Apparo.

“Studies show that school entry math skills impact later achievement of course in math but also in literacy. You need Algebra or Math 1 to get a high school diploma and you need that for the work force and of course to access any STEM careers,” says Heart’s Executive Director Emily Elliott.

“We were awarded this Mission … continue reading


Heart’s 3rd Annual Tutor Thank You Party


Thank you to all of our tutors who joined us for the 3rd Annual Tutor Thank You Party! We are so grateful to all of our volunteers for choosing to spend your time with Heart students. It has made such a difference in their experiences of school this year!

We measured some of that difference in our students’ final assessments: 98% of this year’s 641 students met program growth goals in math, growing in 2 or more concept areas. Those goals were set with guidance … continue reading


Heart Math Tutoring Receives Apparo’s Mission Possible Economic Opportunity Grant


Heart was awarded a $60,000 cash and pro bono contribution from Accenture at Apparo’s ConnectivIT Ball, presented by Microsoft! The award is Apparo’s first Mission Possible Economic Opportunity Award. A panel of CIO judges chose a technology project that will impact economic opportunity in Charlotte. Heart will use the award to digitize its student and tutor information, ultimately improving student outcomes and program scalability. Heart impacts a variety of factors of economic mobility. Mentorship by Heart tutors improves social capital and reduces economic segregation in … continue reading


Students, Families and Tutors Celebrate End of Year


Through May 11, families, tutors, and students will gather to celebrate students’ progress in Heart with food and fun. Parents will learn math games to play at home, and students will receive goodie bags that include a deck of cards and game directions. All will celebrate students’ accomplishments in Heart!

See slideshows of each celebration with our twelve Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools partners: University Meadows, Piney Grove, Westerly Hills, Winterfield, Greenway park, Sedgefield, Pinewood, Montclaire, Nathaniel Alexander, Merry Oaks, Billingsville, and Highland Renaissance.

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