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I’m Thankful For…


November is a month of thankfulness! Throughout the month we will be asking students what they are thankful for. Heart has much to be thankful for – volunteers who spend one hour per week with students building academic skills and confidence, students who are excited to learn and schools that partner with us! Read on to hear from some of our students who were eager to share!










“I’m thankful for… my family!”

-3rd grade student at … continue reading


CycleGiving Success!


Thank you to CycleBar at Midtown for hosting a special CycleGiving spin class in October! The event was a huge success with approximately 25 spinners in attendance. All proceeds went to support Heart Math Tutoring as we work to bring one-on-one tutoring and mentoring to Charlotte students.

Thank you also to everyone who attended! We appreciate your support and loved the chance to exercise together to benefit Charlotte kids.


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Heart Math Tutoring Featured on Charlotte Today

Heart Math Tutoring Thanks Charlotte-Area Media


As part of our volunteer recruitment drive to secure volunteer tutors to serve 600 students during the 2016/17 school year, we have been busy spreading the word. We are very grateful to our Charlotte-area media for helping raise awareness about Heart and our recruitment drive for volunteer tutors!

The following are media outlets and links where we have made recent appearances. Happy watching!

WCNC – “Charlotte Today”
FOX 46 Charlotte – “Good Day”
Time Warner Cable News Charlotte – “In Depth”
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Charlotte Observer

Heart Math Tutoring Featured in Charlotte Observer


Heart Math Tutoring was featured in the South Charlotte News section of the Charlotte Observer. The article featured Cate Rogers, a first year Heart Tutor who lives in south Charlotte and is a retired teacher and school principal.

Rogers said she found the curriculum well-designed for volunteers and easy to wok with. Cate and her husband spent an hour a week at Piney Grove Elementary, each tutoring two children for half an hour each.

Read the full story here.

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EOG Test

2016 NC End of Grade Test Results Announced

This month, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released school-level and district-level results of End of Grade Tests (EOGs) from May 2016. Congratulations to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) on increasing graduation rates and on topping state averages in math, reading, and science tests! Additionally, 86% of CMS schools met or exceeded growth expectations. Across the state, science and math scores increased while third grade reading had a slight setback from prior years.

In CMS, about 48% of students are performing at reading levels deemed “college … continue reading

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