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Family Night

Billingsville Family Night


Watch this third grader show what she knows at family night. She has learned the parts of 10, and she’s ready to quiz her tutor!

Combinations to 10 is the title of Heart’s third concept notebook. It is considered the linchpin within the curriculum, as so many higher level skills depend on the ability to compose and decompose numbers up to 10.

The student shown in this video now knows all the ways that 10 can be broken into two parts, as demonstrated by naming the missing piece … continue reading

North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Awards Heart Math Tutoring $25,000 Grant to Expand Program


Heart Math Tutoring is proud to announce that we have received a $25,000 grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation’s Ribbon of Hope program to expand the volunteer math tutoring program to a new school site for the 2016-17 school year.

“We are excited to support the expansion of this very important math program” said Marilyn Foote-Hudson, Executive Director at the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation.

The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation emphasizes the importance of science, health, and education in North Carolina. Funding from Ribbon of Hope … continue reading

Global Endowment Management

Global Endowment Management Sponsors Heart at Westerly Hills





Heart Math Tutoring at Westerly Hills Academy was made possible by a generous $40,000 grant from Global Endowment Management (GEM Foundation) in December 2014. Eight GEM team members also joined Heart as tutors this year.


This grant allows 56 students at Westerly Hills Academy to receive one hour of structured one-on-one math tutoring per week from September to May. This valuable resource would not be available to Westerly Hills otherwise.  Students work with their tutors to build foundational math skills … continue reading

Highland Renaissance Academy celebrates progress

Students, Parents Celebrate Progress And Holidays With Tutors


Through Dec. 18, parents, tutors, and students will gather to celebrate students’ progress in Heart with food and fun. Parents will learn math games to play at home, and students will receive goodie bags that include a deck of cards and game directions. All will celebrate students’ accomplishments in Heart so far!

“It is inspiring to see at these events how much tutors and students enjoy each other’s company, and it’s special for parents to hear from the students about their positive academic accomplishments — … continue reading

Heart Math Tutoring volunteer with student

Building Early Math Skills Key To Later Academic Success


Too Small To Fail conducted a Q&A with Deborah J. Stipek, dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education, on the importance of introducing children to math concepts early. Read that interview here, which includes tips and resources for parents.

The importance of early, hands-on experiences with numbers helps explain why Heart’s intervention is necessary and gives the rationale for some aspects of the program.

Children learn best during playful, everyday activities, like counting their toes, the buttons on their shirt, the steps continue reading

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