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Category Archives: Blog

Math Tutoring At High-Poverty Charlotte Schools Gets Boost From Duke Energy


Heart is thrilled to share that we are expanding our programs in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, thanks to a $8,000 grant from Duke Energy Foundation.

“Math skills that students learn at a young age serve as a foundation block for their entire education career,” said Stick Williams, Duke Energy Foundation president. “Those skills advance other academic pursuits and help our young people meet and overcome new challenges as they prepare for the future.”

“Lack of math proficiency can become a barrier to a student’s academic confidence,” … continue reading

The Charlotte Woman’s Club Awards Heart Math Tutoring $20,000 Grant To Expand Program


Heart Math Tutoring recently received a $20,000 grant from The Charlotte Woman’s Club to expand the volunteer math tutoring program to Piney Grove Elementary School in 2015-16.

Heart Math Tutoring is a math intervention program that recruits, trains, and supports volunteers to work as tutors in high-poverty elementary schools in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. Hundreds of community members spend one hour each week delivering Heart’s research-based, structured curriculum.

Tiffany Martin, President of The Charlotte Woman’s Club (CWC) and a member of the General Federation of Woman’s … continue reading

Heart Expands Program To Sedgefield And Piney Grove Elementary Schools


Thanks to the good work of our volunteers and the willingness of more Charlotte community members to become volunteer tutors, Heart Math Tutoring will partner with two additional schools in 2015-16 to ensure that all students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success!

Sedgefield Elementary and Piney Grove Elementary will join Heart’s five Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools partners in welcoming 50-70 weekly volunteers to work one-on-one with students in grades 1-5 who are performing below grade level in math. Heart’s … continue reading

2014-15 End-Of-Year Celebration At Billingsville Leadership Academy


Students, parents, Heart volunteer tutors and teachers at Billingsville Leadership Academy celebrated the end of the program for the school year on May 15, 2015. To scroll through slideshow more quickly, click on photo. Right-click to download a photo.… continue reading

2014-15 End-Of-Year Celebration At Westerly Hills Elementary


Students, parents, Heart volunteer tutors and teachers at Westerly Hills Elementary celebrated the end of the program for the school year on May 13, 2015. To scroll through slideshow more quickly, click on photo. Right-click to download a photo.… continue reading

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