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Category Archives: Heart News

Heart Math Tutoring Fills Critical Gaps in Math for Hundreds of CMS Students


Heart is proud to announce that in the 2015/16 school year, 99 percent of Heart students met program growth goals in math, growing in two or more building block concept areas. On average, students doubled the goal – growing in 4.6 concept areas. The goals were set with guidance from math specialists at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and UNC Charlotte.

“We are proud of our students and know that their tutors left them in a better place than they began, ultimately bringing long-term benefits,” says Emily Elliott, … continue reading

Google Fiber and Wells Fargo Provide School Sponsorship-level Grants to Heart Math Tutoring


We are excited to announce several new grant awards that will help Heart serve additional students in the 2016/17 school year! Through a $25,000 sponsorship from Google Fiber, Heart will be expanding to Merry Oaks International Academy! Wells Fargo will sponsor Heart’s school site at Billingsville Leadership Academy for the third consecutive year with a grant of $30,000.

“Heart provides an invaluable service for our students through its curriculum and dedicated tutors who are also personal cheerleaders to our students,” says Michelle G. Johnson, principal … continue reading

Volunteer with Heart: Peter Daniel


Peter is a Managing Director in the Leveraged Finance Group at Wells Fargo. He has been on Heart Math Tutoring’s Board of Directors since 2014 and believes that tutoring a student one-on-one makes an incredible impact.

Why did you become a volunteer?
“Public education has always been very important to my wife and me. We are from New Orleans and grew up in public schools, and then she was a New Orleans public school teacher for a number of years. I originally got involved in … continue reading

Staff Spotlight: Linda Vanderbosch, Program Coordinator at Piney Grove


Linda joined Heart Math Tutoring in August 2015 as the Program Coordinator for Piney Grove Elementary. She thoroughly enjoys working for Heart and feels incredibly fortunate to be surrounded daily by such awesome staff members, volunteers and students.

Linda and her husband Phil have two children, Nicole and Zach. Nicole works as a Physician’s Assistant and lives in Durham with her husband, Robert.  Zach is working towards a PhD in Astronomy at the University of Texas, Austin.

Linda has over eight years of experience working … continue reading

Heart Math Tutoring Launches Funding Initiative to Double School Partners


Goal is to fund 15 CMS school sites in 2016/17 school year

We are proud to announce that we have launched our funding initiative for the 2016/17 school year. Our goal is to double our number of school partners and reach 15 CMS school sites! The plan is to raise $750,000 by June 30, 2016 to support 750 students and 860 volunteer tutors across 15 schools in 2016/17. To date, $335,000 has been raised from grants, corporation donations and from community support. Several local and state-wide … continue reading

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