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Category Archives: Heart News

Charlotte’s PRIDE Magazine Highlights Heart Tutoring!


PRIDE Magazine highlights “Math Tutoring with Heart” on page 22 of its September/October 2018 Health and Education issue, on stands now.

Heart Tutoring is grateful for its many volunteers, like Telia Williams, who are instrumental in helping Heart Tutoring ensure all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success. Telia, a financial analyst, has been a volunteer with Heart Tutoring for three years and says Heart Tutoring “Fits in well with my work and personal schedule,”

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Heart Math Tutoring at Creative Mornings Charlotte


Have you mastered the 30-second pitch? Emily Elliott, Executive Director of Heart Math Tutoring, did just that at today’s Creative Mornings Charlotte.

Creative Mornings is a monthly gathering for Charlotte creative thinkers that is held on the first Friday of each month.  These gatherings are a great way to collaborate, inspire, and support the Charlotte community while building relationships.  While the event is free of charge, you must get online at 9am the Monday before to secure your ticket… and they run out quickly.

At … continue reading

Volunteer Recruitment Kickoff – Volunteers needed in the 2018/19 School Year!


Heart Tutoring’s 2018 Volunteer Drive is officially underway! Students across 22 school partners need tutors in the 2018/19 school year, which means Heart Tutoring will be working to recruit over 1,300 volunteers between now and mid-September.

**Please sign up to be a volunteer tutor today!**

If you have already secured your volunteer spot, we’d appreciate your help in recruiting volunteers with these quick and easy tips:

Help spread the word by using these tools to recruit friends, family members, and colleagues who you think … continue reading

Volunteer Recruitment Tools


Tutors and Partners,

Please help spread the word about volunteering with Heart! The tools below may be useful.

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Congratulations Heart Students and Tutors! 98% Meet Growth Goals


As summer begins, we celebrate what was accomplished in the 2017/18 school year by hundreds of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) students who were part of Heart Math Tutoring.

  • 98% of 893 Heart students met program growth goals in math, growing in two or more building block concept areas.
  • On average, students doubled the goal – growing in 4.9 concept areas. The goals were set with guidance from math specialists at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and UNC Charlotte.
  • Students grew from mastering 26% to 59% of the skills needed
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