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Category Archives: Volunteer Spotlight

Tutor Spotlight: Jalen Gilmore


Jalen has been a Heart tutor for 3 years, most recently at Bruns Academy. He spoke with us about his tutoring experience!

Q: How did you get involved with Heart Tutoring?

Jalen: At the time I was working at US Bank, and there was a United Way-sponsored event where local nonprofits were trying to find volunteers. The one that appealed to me most was Heart Tutoring. I’ve always liked working with kids; I was an AAU basketball coach in the past and really enjoyed that. … continue reading

Tutor Spotlight: Stephanie Lemons

Stephanie Lemons has tutored at Hidden Valley Elementary for the past two years. She took some time to talk with us and share her experience as a Heart tutor!

Q: How did you get involved with Heart Math Tutoring?

Stephanie: I’m getting my Master’s in accounting and had an internship with one of the big accounting firms in Charlotte, and one of my work “buddies” and another team member always had “Heart Math Tutoring” on their calendar. I asked what this was, and when I … continue reading

Spring Volunteer Highlights – Recognizing Heart Tutors


In honor of National Volunteer Month, Heart Tutoring wants to recognize some of our amazing tutors and the ways they are impacting students and the Charlotte community.

Tutors on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Chanel Jenkins, a five-year Heart tutor, currently tutors at Montclaire Elementary and is a nurse at a long-term care facility. She shared her perspectives on tutoring and how her work has changed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: How did you get involved with Heart Tutoring?

Chanel: I saw a flyer in … continue reading

Fabulous Five!

Believe it or not, Heart Tutoring has around 115 tutors in the 2019-20 school year who have been tutoring students for five years or more! We would like to congratulate and thank these special people for their dedication to helping students succeed in math! Of those tutors, six have been tutoring with the Heart program for 10 years, beginning when Heart was a pilot program.

Our 5+ year tutors are listed below, and a full list of our 1,300 2019-20 tutors can be found continue reading

Our Tutors are Making Tens!

Heart Math Tutoring was incorporated 7 years ago, and 3 years prior to that, volunteers and partners began piloting the program. It doesn’t require counting on your fingers to know that this means a special group of tutors have hit their 10th YEAR OF VOLUNTEERING!! With deep appreciation, our team is honored to thank these six tutors for the impact they have had on more than 120 students. Read the highlights and memories from Minna Elliott, Martha Eubank, Catherine Fischer, Reid Leggett, Margaret Marshall, and … continue reading

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