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Category Archives: Volunteer Spotlight

Charlotte Observer

Heart Math Tutoring Featured in Charlotte Observer


Heart Math Tutoring was featured in the South Charlotte News section of the Charlotte Observer. The article featured Cate Rogers, a first year Heart Tutor who lives in south Charlotte and is a retired teacher and school principal.

Rogers said she found the curriculum well-designed for volunteers and easy to wok with. Cate and her husband spent an hour a week at Piney Grove Elementary, each tutoring two children for half an hour each.

Read the full story here.

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Who Are You Bringing to Tutoring? #CarpoolSeries


We have great volunteers who are dedicated to spreading the word about Heart as a way to support students! Sign up to tutor here.

David Woodruff drives three friends to tutor each Wednesday at lunchtime. Who are you bringing to tutoring? ‪#‎CarpoolSeries‬ ‪#‎ItAllAddsUp‬ ‪#‎VolunteersWithHeart‬

Beejal drives and Katherine handles the tunes. Music on the way there and stories on the way back. Who are you bringing to tutoring? ‪#‎CarpoolSeries‬ ‪#‎ItAllAddsUp‬ ‪#‎VolunteersWithHeart‬

Grant recruited his colleague Mary to tutor with him each Wednesday morning and even … continue reading

Volunteer with Heart: Peter Daniel


Peter is a Managing Director in the Leveraged Finance Group at Wells Fargo. He has been on Heart Math Tutoring’s Board of Directors since 2014 and believes that tutoring a student one-on-one makes an incredible impact.

Why did you become a volunteer?
“Public education has always been very important to my wife and me. We are from New Orleans and grew up in public schools, and then she was a New Orleans public school teacher for a number of years. I originally got involved in … continue reading

Laura McGinley

Volunteer with Heart: Laura McGinley


Laura is a mother of two and has been a Heart tutor for three years. She heard about Heart Math Tutoring from the school staff in 2013. She has been a tutor ever since and currently works with three third grade students at Billingsville Leadership Academy. Laura believes that education is a powerful tool!

Why did you become a volunteer?
“I firmly believe in the power of education to change lives, especially in the early years when the foundation is set for later learning. All the hugs, … continue reading

Amelia McGriff-Henderson

Volunteer with Heart: Amelia McGriff-Henderson


Amelia McGriff-Henderson, Executive Producer at WCCB Charlotte, believes Heart students not only learn essential math skills but gain from weekly mentorship. She learned about Heart through Hands on Charlotte and has worked with the program for three years. Currently, Amelia works with a first and a second grader at Winterfield Elementary School.

What was your favorite moment from working with students?
“One of my students looked up at me and smiled when I told her she was ready to move on into a new curriculum notebook.  … continue reading

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