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Amelia McGriff-Henderson

Volunteer with Heart: Amelia McGriff-Henderson


Amelia McGriff-Henderson, Executive Producer at WCCB Charlotte, believes Heart students not only learn essential math skills but gain from weekly mentorship. She learned about Heart through Hands on C...

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Staff Spotlight: Linda Vanderbosch, Program Coordinator at Piney Grove


Linda joined Heart Math Tutoring in August 2015 as the Program Coordinator for Piney Grove Elementary. She thoroughly enjoys working for Heart and feels incredibly fortunate to be surrounded daily b...

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Volunteer with Heart: Bill Butler


Bill is an attorney at Moore & Van Allen and learned about Heart Math Tutoring through his friend who has been a tutor for several years. His friend spoke about the remarkable progress st...

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Volunteer With Heart: Cate Rogers


Cate Rogers has always considered math critically important. She spent more than 40 years in education starting as a secretary, then as a special education teacher, an elementary and middle school p...

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Confidence and Math Performance Equals Success in the Classroom and Beyond


By Emily Elliott, Executive Director of Heart Math Tutoring Our tutors move the dial on students’ success in math. Half of their role is to deliver the math curriculum, and half is to be a positi...

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