Volunteer Recruitment Kickoff – Volunteers needed in the 2018/19 School Year!
July 26, 2018
Heart Tutoring’s 2018 Volunteer Drive is officially underway! Students across 22 school partners need tutors in the 2018/19 school year, which means Heart Tutoring will be working to recruit over 1,300 volunteers between now and mid-September.
**Please sign up to be a volunteer tutor today!**
If you have already secured your volunteer spot, we’d appreciate your help in recruiting volunteers with these quick and easy tips:
Help spread the word by using these tools to recruit friends, family members, and colleagues who you think would be interested in being a Heart Tutoring volunteer.
Educate others by talking about your experience with Heart.
Add Heart Math Tutoring to your LinkedIn profile as a volunteer activity. Click “Edit Profile,” “Add Section,” and select “Volunteer Experience.” When you type “Heart Math Tutoring,” LinkedIn will find our Company Page.
Reach out to your employer or civic organizations about Heart Tutoring, or invite Heart Tutoring staff to do so. (See Heart’s partner organizations here. Thank you!)
Tag Heart Math Tutoring in your social media posts and use the hashtags #YourAdditionMakesADifference #VolunteerWithHeart; change your Facebook profile picture and/or cover photo with these social media tools; and share our social media posts. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
If you’re not a tutor yet and want to give it a try, sign up at www.hearttutoring.org/become-a-volunteer! Heart Tutoring provides tutor-friendly lesson plans and a staff person on site.
In volunteer recruitment, we get to offer a positive way to make a difference in the life of an elementary student. Last year, 98% of 893 Heart Tutoring students met program growth goals in math. On our year-end survey, 100% of Heart Tutoring volunteers rated the experience positive, and 98% said they would recommend the program to a friend or a colleague.
Read the full Press Release here.
Thank you in advance for making this year count!
~The Heart Tutoring Team
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