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Our Tutors are Making Tens!


Heart Math Tutoring was incorporated 7 years ago, and 3 years prior to that, volunteers and partners began piloting the program. It doesn’t require counting on your fingers to know that this means a special group of tutors have hit their 10th YEAR OF VOLUNTEERING!! With deep appreciation, our team is honored to thank these six tutors for the impact they have had on more than 120 students. Read the highlights and memories from Minna Elliott, Martha Eubank, Catherine Fischer, Reid Leggett, Margaret Marshall, and … continue reading

Program Updates – Piloting New Resources for Students, Teachers, and Families


We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Heart Tutoring will be piloting various ways to support students, teachers, and families, and we wanted to give you a quick update as of early April. Schools, please contact your Program Coordinator or Program Manager to continue to let us know how we can help!

CMS has paired our 4th and 5th graders with digital devices for online learning and correspondence with their teachers, while 1st-3rd grade students, who make up the … continue reading

2020/21 Philanthropy Update


Heart Tutoring, currently partnering with twenty-three high need elementary schools, is raising funds to serve 1,200 students in 2020/21. As of March 30th, more than 30 organizations and 330 individuals have contributed $1,161,237 – thank you! An additional ~$350,000 is needed by June 30th, 2020.

Heart Tutoring recently received renewed support from five long term funding partners. Wells Fargo, Sisters of Mercy of NC Foundation and Charlotte Woman’s Club have been supporting Heart students since 2014, and recent grants from Barings and TIAA … continue reading

Heart Tutoring Updates: COVID-19


Ways to Help:

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Volunteer Spotlight: Andrew Francis


We spoke with Andrew Francis, a first-year volunteer at Allenbrook Elementary, to learn about his experience as a Heart Tutor!             


Q: How did you get involved with Heart Math Tutoring?

I’m currently working for Wells Fargo and during the Investment Banking and Capital Markets (IBCM) analyst training program, we looked at different volunteer opportunities since a lot of people are new to Charlotte and Wells wants to help us get involved in the community. Heart came in and delivered a presentation, and some other full-time Wells employees joined … continue reading

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