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Celebrating Heart Tutoring Volunteers and Partners


Join us as we celebrate Heart Tutoring volunteers and partner organizations during Volunteer Appreciation Month! Let’s take a peek into the hearts and lives of some of our committed volunteers and partners to learn what motivates them to make a difference in the lives of students.


Lisa Phillips has volunteered as a tutor with Heart Tutoring for five years. She was drawn to the organization’s mission and the impact it makes in the community. Having often heard the common phrase, “I am not a math person”, … continue reading

Heart Tutoring Volunteer – Natasha Johnson

“Stepping Away From the Daily Grind to Give Back”

It’s sometimes difficult for Natasha Johnson to leave her job early once a week to tutor students with Heart Math Tutoring, as she contemplates all the work she still has to complete. Yet, once she arrives on-site to tutor, she is reminded of the importance of giving back and starts to relax. Realizing that the work will be waiting on her when she arrives the next day. It’s interesting, given that Natasha was introduced to Heart … continue reading

Heart Volunteer – Lisa Phillips

“I Am Not a Math Person”

Why Heart Tutoring?

Lisa Phillips has volunteered as a tutor with Heart Math Tutoring for five years since the 2014/15 school year. Referred to Heart Tutoring by the Executive Director of Augustine Literacy Project, Lisa is not new to volunteering. She was drawn to Heart Tutoring’s mission and the impact it makes in the community. Additionally, as a strong supporter of STEM education for girls, saw Heart Tutoring as an opportunity to mentor students who may be interested in … continue reading

Charlotte Today Highlights Heart Math Tutoring


Closing the elementary math achievement gap may not be easy, but it can be fun. Emily Gaffney, Executive Director of Heart Math Tutoring, shares how volunteer tutors support CMS elementary students who are behind in math with fun games and effective tutoring. “Helping somebody with math is a great way to help them with their life. Our volunteers are there to give high-fives and point students in the right direction,” says Gaffney. See the entire interview here.… continue reading

Heart Celebrated Math Day with Fox 46 News


On March 6th, 2019, Heart Math Tutoring celebrated World Math Day with Fox 46 News. Good Day Anchors Jason Harper and Paige Fehling hosted Executive Director Emily Gaffney and Heart Tutoring tutor at Montclaire Elementary, Charles Duckett. They discussed math education in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and how Heart is supporting student growth. Check out a clip from the interview here!… continue reading

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