Corporate partners’ spring funding provides tutoring for students in the 2021/22 school year at Heart Math Tutoring
April 23, 2021
We are excited to announce recent funding that will support Charlotte students in the 2021-22 school year in a recent press release! Grants from Barings, Brighthouse Financial Foundation, Duke Energy Foundation, TIAA, and other local foundations and individuals will provide CMS students in grades 1-5 access to HMT’s volunteer-delivered, individualized math tutoring program offered at no cost to families.
Brighthouse Financial Foundation, Barings, and TIAA have been Heart Math Tutoring funding and volunteer partners for many years, with over 50 tutors in the 2020-21 school year collectively. Duke Energy Foundation has pledged $15,000 to HMT as part of the foundation’s Powerful Communities initiative to help Heart Math Tutoring’s transition to a virtual program format.
Additional spring funding commitments from grants and individual gifts will allow CMS elementary students to receive individualized math tutoring and mentorship from a caring adult next year. Read more in the press release!
With a tested and proven virtual model, we are prepared for a variety of classroom scenarios in 2021-22, and we plan to continue to offer virtual tutoring in some capacity in the future to reach more students across Charlotte.
It is not too late to donate to help Heart Tutoring reach students in 23 Charlotte elementary schools next year! All funds raised by 6/30/21 will support students in the 2021/22 school year.
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