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Heart Volunteer – Lisa Phillips


“I Am Not a Math Person” Why Heart Tutoring? Lisa Phillips has volunteered as a tutor with Heart Math Tutoring for five years since the 2014/15 school year. Referred to Heart Tutoring by the Exe...

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Charlotte Today Highlights Heart Math Tutoring


[caption id="attachment_8860" align="aligncenter" width="753"] Heart Tutoring Executive Director Emily Gaffney on Charlotte Today discussing how our volunteers are tackling the achievement gap in Char...

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Heart Celebrated Math Day with Fox 46 News


On March 6th, 2019, Heart Math Tutoring celebrated World Math Day with Fox 46 News. Good Day Anchors Jason Harper and Paige Fehling hosted Executive Director Emily Gaffney and Heart Tutoring tutor at ...

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March 14th Pi Day Hangouts


March 14th is Pi Day (3/14), and representatives from Heart Tutoring will be hitting the town for informal/optional gatherings all day with any tutors, donors, friends, and staff who want to meet....

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Math Madness (in March)

For anyone interested in getting more plugged into the cause around math, education, and/or opportunity, we are keeping math stats and event opportunities coming during the month of March. Math Matte...

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