Refer a Friend!
February 22, 2022
February is our final push to match volunteers with students for the remainder of the 2021/22 tutoring year. Now through the end of April would be a great time for a friend, family member, colleague, or neighbor to join 1,100 current Heart Math Tutoring volunteers and give tutoring a try! 105 Heart students currently need a second tutor, and others are on a waiting list.
You can help spread the word and refer a friend by using the templates below! Your friends can choose their tutoring time and location and get started within a few weeks by using this link!
Thank you to all who support Heart Math Tutoring students!
Post on Social Media
“I support Heart Math Tutoring because [fill in your reason!]. Join Heart’s 1,100 volunteers as a tutor this spring! Neither math nor teaching experience is required! Learn more and sign up at #YourAdditionMakesADifference
See photo options below!
Share a Newsletter Blurb
Support a child in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools with only 1 hour per week! Heart Math Tutoring trains and supports volunteers as tutors to work one-on-one with a student who needs foundational math skills and confidence! With the support of an on-site coordinator, volunteers use an easy-to-follow, proven curriculum featuring hands-on activities and games. Volunteers work with the same student(s) each week, building a relationship and strengthening skills. Students are waiting for tutors, and this is a great time to give volunteering a try, now through the end of April.
Sign up at and select your day and time.
Send an Email
Click here or copy and paste the template below!
Dear friends and family,
I support Heart Math Tutoring, a non-profit that recruits volunteers to serve as tutors for over 1,000 elementary students across Charlotte. Heart is doing a final push to recruit 100 more volunteers to meet student need this school year – now through the end of April.
Volunteers work 1:1 with students for 30 minutes or 1 hour each week. Heart provides an easy-to-follow curriculum and a Program Coordinator to support students and tutors. To date, 98% of students tutored in the in-person model have met program growth goals in math, and over 90% of teachers annually report that student confidence increases because of the program.
If you have 30 minutes or 1 hour to share once a week then I highly encourage you to sign up here: or reach out to me or with any questions.
Many thanks,
[Your Name]
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