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The Importance of Growth Mindset


Earlier this year, several of our volunteers joined Heart staff to participate in Heart Tutoring’s first-ever book club. The selected book was Limitless Mind, Jo Boaler’s most recent research of fixed versus growth mindsets and the impacts those different notions have, not only in the perceived abilities of students, but also in the attitudes of adults.

Concurrently, Sarah Cover, one of our program managers, completed an online course led by Jo Boaler and based upon the classroom research found in her book, Mathematical Mindsetscontinue reading

June 2020 Fundraising Update


Although COVID-19 prompted a shortened year of in-school programming, our donors have continued providing math skills and mentorship to Heart Tutoring students. We are wrapping up a successful, albeit different year, and as we plan our program model for the 2020/21 school year, our goal is to serve 1,130 Charlotte students in a virtual format knowing that after summer break, students will need our support more than ever.

Over the past few months, new Heart resources have been shared with school partners, students, and … continue reading

Tutor Spotlight: Stephanie Lemons

Stephanie Lemons has tutored at Hidden Valley Elementary for the past two years. She took some time to talk with us and share her experience as a Heart tutor!

Q: How did you get involved with Heart Math Tutoring?

Stephanie: I’m getting my Master’s in accounting and had an internship with one of the big accounting firms in Charlotte, and one of my work “buddies” and another team member always had “Heart Math Tutoring” on their calendar. I asked what this was, and when I … continue reading

Educating Ourselves on Issues of Race


Heart Tutoring expresses solidarity with the Black community and with all who experience injustice. In line with the organization’s growth mindset and student-centered core values, our team will continue to discuss and reflect on issues of racial equity, knowing the importance for our students and our community and for our ability to support each other on our team.

At Heart Tutoring, over 90% of our students are people of color. While math skills and confidence are an important piece of the puzzle in unlocking opportunity … continue reading

Internal program evaluation indicates positive effects on students’ long-term achievement


Heart Math Tutoring’s mission is to ensure all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success, by helping schools use volunteers as tutors. During the spring, Heart Tutoring conducted an internal evaluation specifically determining the program’s effect on students’ long-term success.

Thanks to a data-sharing agreement with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), Heart Tutoring was able to conduct internal analysis of 30,965 observations of deidentified students using fixed effects regression models by school, year, and grade, or by school-grade-year … continue reading

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