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Heart Tutoring Annual Celebration


Heart’s Executive Director, Board Chair, and leadership team hosted a virtual celebration on June 3rd, 2020 to thank our tutors and donors for a great program year. Organization leaders shared program updates, outcomes and highlights from this year, and thoughts on the path forward on our mission – to ensure that all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success.

The celebration was originally live-streamed on Heart Tutoring’s YouTube Channel. Re-watch the program here!

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Heart Tutoring Staff Participates in Racial Equity Training


By Emily Gaffney, Executive Director

Heart tutors at Joseph W. Grier Academy

The entire Heart Tutoring staff team recently participated in a series of racial equity trainings led by Justin Perry. Justin Perry’s full-time work is in therapy and counseling for teens and adults, and his passion leads him to many other leadership roles in Charlotte including serving on the boards of Community Building Initiative, FFTC Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Foundation, and One-Meck. We are very grateful to Justin for guiding us in this important stage of … continue reading

Thank you, Teachers!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Month! We at Heart Tutoring are grateful for all the dedicated teachers who work so hard to educate and support their students. We spoke with two teachers at Heart Tutoring partner schools to learn more about their experiences having students participate in Heart Tutoring, and how they currently manage their classrooms remotely.

Melissa Purcell, 5th Grade Teacher at Smithfield Elementary

Tell us about your experience with Heart Tutoring (number of years and students in the program)

I have been a teacher … continue reading

Spring Volunteer Highlights – Recognizing Heart Tutors


In honor of National Volunteer Month, Heart Tutoring wants to recognize some of our amazing tutors and the ways they are impacting students and the Charlotte community.

Tutors on the Front Lines of COVID-19

Chanel Jenkins, a five-year Heart tutor, currently tutors at Montclaire Elementary and is a nurse at a long-term care facility. She shared her perspectives on tutoring and how her work has changed amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Q: How did you get involved with Heart Tutoring?

Chanel: I saw a flyer in … continue reading

Fabulous Five!

Believe it or not, Heart Tutoring has around 115 tutors in the 2019-20 school year who have been tutoring students for five years or more! We would like to congratulate and thank these special people for their dedication to helping students succeed in math! Of those tutors, six have been tutoring with the Heart program for 10 years, beginning when Heart was a pilot program.

Our 5+ year tutors are listed below, and a full list of our 1,300 2019-20 tutors can be found continue reading

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