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Category Archives: Math Matters

2018 NC Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference


By Heart Program Managers Sarah Cover and Kelsey Ripley

Sarah and I joined the Heart Math Tutoring team as Program Managers this summer, and in October, we had the opportunity to join Heart Program Director Cydney Kramer in attending the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics Conference (NCCTM) in Greensboro, NC. We were joined by hundreds of other North Carolina math teachers, facilitators, and researchers. It was inspiring to be surrounded by so many other education professionals who are working to creatively and effectively … continue reading



The NC Department of Health and Human Services released a draft statewide Early Childhood Action Plan and is asking for community feedback in writing by November 30th. The goal of the plan is to improve early childhood outcomes across NC for children ages 0 – 8. Ten high level goals range from improving housing and hunger to health and academics. While it is encouraging to see reading included in the plan, (goal #10 is stated as “Grade Level Reading: Young children across North … continue reading

2017 NAEP Scores


This week, results from the 2017 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) became available. NAEP is administered every two years and serves as a common metric for states and selected urban districts. In 2017, Charlotte fourth grade math proficiency rates ranked second out of the selected urban districts and exceeded North Carolina and nation averages (below).

Overall, 46% of fourth graders in Charlotte are performing on grade level in math. For Economically Disadvantaged Students (EDS) however, 29% are on grade level. In 2017, fourth grade math proficiency … continue reading

CMS Releases “Breaking the Link” Equity Report


By Heart Staff

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools released Breaking the Link, a 70-page equity report on school demographics, teacher qualifications, test results, attendance data, and more. This kicks off the district’s strategic planning process for 2018-2024.

We applaud and thank the CMS Accountability Office for this endeavor.

“Any challenging effort for meaningful change must begin with acknowledgement of hard truths,” the report says. “Thus, this report… seeks to provide a solid, data-based picture of our schools with the most recent data available.”

While some of the … continue reading


Heart Math Tutoring Featured on WCNC


Heart Math Tutoring’s Executive Director Emily Elliott met with WCNC’s Eugene Robinson and Colleen Odegaard to discuss Heart’s impact on students and the recent Mission Possible Award granted by Apparo.

“Studies show that school entry math skills impact later achievement of course in math but also in literacy. You need Algebra or Math 1 to get a high school diploma and you need that for the work force and of course to access any STEM careers,” says Heart’s Executive Director Emily Elliott.

“We were awarded this Mission … continue reading

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