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CMS School Board Election Information


With Heart’s core value of Civic Engagement in mind, we wanted to share information regarding the November school board election in Charlotte. Follow the links below to access WFAE’s coverage and learn more about candidates and key issues in each district. You can also subscribe to a WFAE Newsletter about local education topics for additional updates and information.

Interested in staying up to date, and learning more … continue reading

2022 Annual Report


In the 2021/22 school year, support from donors and volunteers provided 935 elementary students with math tutoring. HMT grew to serve 24 Charlotte elementary schools, recruiting 1,135 volunteer tutors who worked one-on-one with a student (or two!) each week. 97% of those students showed growth between their pre- and post-assessments, and 90% of teachers reported that they saw an increase in their HMT students’ confidence.

It is a privilege to share the Heart Math Tutoring 2022 Annual Report, highlighting student results, volunteer impact, and … continue reading

HMT Upcoming Events


HMT Welcome Event: Thursday, September 22nd from 4:30-7:00 PM

We are excited to celebrate the start of another impactful year of Heart Math Tutoring! HMT will host an evening event for current and prospective tutors on Thursday, September 22nd at Catawba Brewing. (933 Louise Ave., Ste 105, Charlotte, NC 28204). Stop by any time between 4:30-7:00 PM to connect with fellow tutors and HMT staff, and don’t forget to bring a friend who might be interested in becoming a tutor! … continue reading

Volunteer Recruitment Kickoff – Volunteers needed in the 2022/23 school year!


Heart Math Tutoring’s Volunteer Recruitment campaign is officially underway! Heart is partnering with 26 schools across Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools during the 2022/23 school year with a goal to serve 1,300 students. To achieve this goal, Heart is recruiting 1,500 tutors to work with students, in-person and virtually, during the school year. One hour per week can make an extraordinary impact in a student’s life!

Please sign up to be a tutor today!

Heart is offering its core, in-person model in 18 schools across the district, and … continue reading

Interested in tutoring with HMT? Here’s what you can expect from signup to startup!


Thinking about becoming a tutor? Please do! Heart Math Tutoring is excited to serve 1,300 students in the 2022/23 school year with the help of 1,500 volunteers giving just one hour per week!

To become a tutor, simply select your preferred tutoring time and location on the signup form, and we’ll pair you with a student! Tutoring begins in late September.

You might be wondering what exactly to expect. Here’s the process from signup to startup:

1. Sign Up: Get started by selecting your … continue reading

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