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Staff Spotlight!


Heart Tutoring is so grateful to everyone on our team for their hard work every year, and especially this year as we transition to supporting students virtually! Keep reading to learn more about som...

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Latest Updates for Heart Tutors


We are so grateful for everyone who has signed up to be a Heart tutor this year! We are keeping tutors updated through email aswe finalize the details of our virtual tutoring model.Our latest updates...

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2020 Annual Report


We are excited to share highlights from 2019/20 in Heart Tutoring’s 2020 Annual Report. Support from donors and funding partners provided one-on-one tutoring, math skills, and confidence to 1,...

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Upcoming Heart events!


  Want to get more involved with Heart Tutoring?  We have a series of events/gatherings where potential and existing tutors can connect. Upcoming events are ...

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Tutor Spotlight: Jalen Gilmore


Jalen has been a Heart tutor for 3 years, most recently at Bruns Academy. He spoke with us about his tutoring experience! Q: How did you get involved with Heart Tutoring? Jalen: At the time...

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