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Category Archives: Heart News

Virtual Tutoring Pilot Program


In response to COVID-19, Heart Tutoring is preparing for a virtual tutoring model for the 2020-21 school year. After a significant amount of time spent researching software programs for math and talking to school principals and other partners, we believe virtual tutoring will be an impactful way to support students in building confidence and strengthening their foundational math skills while still being able to use volunteers as tutors.

Heart staff members tested virtual tutoring with a Summer Pilot program! Thanks to gifts from Pamlico … continue reading

Internal program evaluation indicates positive effects on students’ long-term achievement


Heart Math Tutoring’s mission is to ensure all elementary students develop the strong foundation in math and enthusiasm for academics needed for long-term success, by helping schools use volunteers as tutors. During the spring, Heart Tutoring conducted an internal evaluation specifically determining the program’s effect on students’ long-term success.

Thanks to a data-sharing agreement with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), Heart Tutoring was able to conduct internal analysis of 30,965 observations of deidentified students using fixed effects regression models by school, year, and grade, or by school-grade-year … continue reading

2019-20 Program Results


As we head into the summer, we are excited to celebrate the outstanding academic progress made by nearly 1,200 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) students during the 2019-20 school year. Although COVID-19 prompted a shortened year of in-school programming, students still made considerable progress during their time in the program!

Here are some of our results:

  • 92% of students passed one notebook and 49% passed two or more notebooks through March 2020 – on track to meet end-of-year program growth goals!
  • 85% of teachers saw improvement in
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Heart Tutoring Staff Participates in Racial Equity Training


By Emily Gaffney, Executive Director

Heart tutors at Joseph W. Grier Academy

The entire Heart Tutoring staff team recently participated in a series of racial equity trainings led by Justin Perry. Justin Perry’s full-time work is in therapy and counseling for teens and adults, and his passion leads him to many other leadership roles in Charlotte including serving on the boards of Community Building Initiative, FFTC Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Foundation, and One-Meck. We are very grateful to Justin for guiding us in this important stage of … continue reading

Program Updates – Piloting New Resources for Students, Teachers, and Families


We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Heart Tutoring will be piloting various ways to support students, teachers, and families, and we wanted to give you a quick update as of early April. Schools, please contact your Program Coordinator or Program Manager to continue to let us know how we can help!

CMS has paired our 4th and 5th graders with digital devices for online learning and correspondence with their teachers, while 1st-3rd grade students, who make up the … continue reading

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