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Thank you, Teachers!


Happy Teacher Appreciation Month! We at Heart Tutoring are grateful for all the dedicated teachers who work so hard to educate and support their students. We spoke with two teachers at Heart Tutorin...

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Spring Volunteer Highlights – Recognizing Heart Tutors


In honor of National Volunteer Month, Heart Tutoring wants to recognize some of our amazing tutors and the ways they are impacting students and the Charlotte community. Tutors on the Front Lines o...

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Fabulous Five!

Believe it or not, Heart Tutoring has around 115 tutors in the 2019-20 school year who have been tutoring students for five years or more! We would like to congratulate and thank these special people...

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Our Tutors are Making Tens!

Heart Math Tutoring was incorporated 7 years ago, and 3 years prior to that, volunteers and partners began piloting the program. It doesn’t require counting on your fingers to know that this ...

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Program Updates – Piloting New Resources for Students, Teachers, and Families


We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Heart Tutoring will be piloting various ways to support students, teachers, and families, and we wanted to give you a quick update as of early April. Sc...

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