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Tutor Testimonials and Call for Volunteers


Students are waiting! Spread the word: 250 more virtual tutors are needed. With virtual tutoring, it’s never been easier to make a difference for our community’s students who need practice with ...

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Upcoming Virtual Info Session

    Join us for a virtual info session! Learn how you can make a difference for Charlotte elementary students as a volunteer with Heart Math Tutoring. Volunteers commit 1-hour weekly, work...

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Heart Tutoring’s Kelsey Ripley is a Guest Writer for the Community Resilience Project’s December 2020 Newsletter


Our own Kelsey Ripley was a guest writer for the Community Resilience Project December 2020 Newsletter. Read her reflections on six months of virtual tutoring below! One Word: Hope Dear Community ...

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Fall Pilot Success


In November, we finished a second pilot of Heart Tutoring’s new virtual program, with many thanks owed to 20 volunteers listed below and to 10 wonderful students and their families. The gro...

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Sherpa and Heart Tutoring Presentation


It was our pleasure to start the Sherpa Spotlight Series with a fun seasonal theme - “Tips and Tricks to Make Math Less Scary”! At Sherpa’s invitation, Heart Tutoring’s Execu...

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