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HEART Tutors and Paul Tough’s “Who Gets to Graduate?”


Paul Tough's "Who Gets to Graduate?" makes me excited about HEART tutors' role. - Emily Elliott We tell our tutors, "Your job is 50% delivering the curriculum and 50% being a positive influence." ...

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Winterfield Parent Breakfast!


We had such a blast last Friday hosting students, tutors, and parents for an end-of-year breakfast!  Parents and tutors joined to celebrate students' progress in HEART and practice more math with a ...

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Saying Thanks to Jimmie Johnson

The five nonprofits in the Helmet of Hope competition got to meet Jimmie Johnson and Mike Wells via google hangout this morning.  I found myself overflowing with gratitude for the leadership they sho...

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Jimmie Johnson Foundation Announces Winners!


         JIMMIE JOHNSON FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES WINNERS OF THE BLUE BUNNY HELMET OF HOPE CHARLOTTE, N.C. (May 2, 2014) --- The Jimmie Johnson Foundation announced today the five winners of t...

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HEART is Semifinalist for Jimmie Johnson Foundation’s Blue Bunny Helmet of Hope Grant


4-17-14 BBHOH SEMIFINALIST Release   Charlotte, NC (April 17, 2014) --- The Jimmie Johnson Foundation announced today that HEART Tutoring is one of the 10 semi-finalists eligible for a $...

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