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Society Charlotte cover and photos

Society Charlotte Features Inaugural HeartThrob Event


Supporters of Heart Math Tutoring held the inaugural HeartThrob in February to celebrate Heart’s work, thank volunteers, and raise funds. More than 130 young professionals attended the cocktail part...

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Volunteer With Heart: Ryan Hong


Ryan Hong, a Market Growth & Development Consultant at Wells Fargo, believes that a foundation in math is essential for all children. He learned about Heart through Wells Fargo’s Volunteer Cha...

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Heart Math Tutoring logo with tagline

HEART Tutoring Adds “Math” To Name, Changes Logo


Following feedback from funders, volunteers, and schools, and with a grant from Reemprise Fund, HEART Tutoring completed a branding study in 2014 and will now be "Heart Math Tutoring". The goal...

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Volunteer With HEART: Chris Brown


Chris Brown tutors a first grader and a third grader at Highland Renaissance Academy in NoDa. Chris started in September after learning about the opportunity through the Volunteer Portal at Bank of Am...

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Volunteer With HEART: Jeanette Price


Jeanette Price is a veteran volunteer and proctor with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. She is part of the National Alumnae Association for West Charlotte High School. While Jeanette was at Alexand...

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